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Students celebrate graduation.

Celebrating Transformation

As Randy Woodson prepares to step down after more than 14 years as NC State’s chancellor, we honor his and wife Susan’s commitment to our university — and its people — which has inspired and forever changed so many of us.

307% Endowment Growth

Under Chancellor Woodson’s leadership, NC State’s endowment has quadrupled.

1,100+ EDTS Scholarships

Thanks to a fund created by the Woodsons, employee dependents qualify for the EDTS scholarship.

$2.1 Billion Fundraising Campaign

The historic Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign fueled NC State’s culture of philanthropy.

“What I hear again and again is how many donors are inspired to give because of Chancellor Woodson’s leadership.” – Brian Sischo, vice chancellor

434 Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship Recipients

The Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship Initiative has been making a difference since 2020.

439 Student Emergency Fund Grants

Donors continued to help transform students’ lives in the 2022-23 academic year.